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Voice Orion also offers a wide range of toll-free numbers to allow your customers to phone you for support free-of-charge. Our plan is extremely cost-effective and is based on the number of minutes you use to allow the best experience in VoIP toll-free calling. You can increase customer loyalty and trust by providing them with a convenient and free way of getting in touch with you at any time.
VoIP Toll Free Number

We ensure that your toll-free hotline has a easy to remember pattern which ensures that customers can call you in their time of need.

Here are some of the features of our toll-free service :

    • Call Monitoring Portal :
      We allow easy call monitoring for all your quality and training purposes. With the calls being placed over the internet via the Voice over Internet Protocol, it becomes much easier to store the call audio in a digital medium such as cloud or local storage.
    • Infinite Choices :
      Choosing a toll-free number which feels closer to your organization is going to be much easier since we have the largest array of VoIP toll free numbers to choose from which should give you seemingly infinite choices and a number which feels closer to your brand.
    • Real Time Alerts :
      Never worry about missing a call from a customer or a client ever again. With our exceptionally accurate real-time alerts, you will be immediately notified when you’re called, and the number of the caller will be stored.
  • Voice Clarity :
    You will never have to worry about vocal clarity when choosing Voice Orion as your toll-free number provider. Our superior connection ensures that each call is maintained in with crisp and crystal-clear audio.

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